Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Incredible Shrinking Baby

The yellow stream continues to flow and the results are impressive. When Graham began the "Great Pee" almost three days ago, he weighed a tad over 12 pounds (his birth weight was 6 pounds 12 ounces). He is now under ten pounds. He looks remarkably better and even briefly peeked at us with one eye. We hope the loss of edema will begin to improve his lung and heart function. Fluid continues to be suctioned out of his lungs.
Mom was able to hold him again today. It is quite a process given all his connections, which include his ventilation tube, and several lines leading into the central line. We hope that he can begin to take breast milk through a feeding tube to the stomach tomorrow.
Graham is still relying on a ventilator and his need for oxygen still hovers around 30%. His is beginning to "breath over" the ventilator, which is a positive.
Overall, we are seeing a more alert and active baby, who needs pain medication less often. To our great relief, Graham was taken off all antibiotics and anti fungals yesterday. We are looking forward to when the ventilator is removed and he can begin nursing again.
Uncle Ward is flying in from Istanbul and will be here late Tuesday night. His arrival will be a boost for all of us.
Good days! What a difference a week makes.


  1. Great News Guys!! Thanks for posting we have been checking all day!! Pray, Pray, Pray !! God Bless You All, Amy

  2. We are so happy to hear the good news! Jim & Mylien

  3. So happy to hear Graham is doing better! Keep it up tough guy! Praying you will continue to get good news:-)

  4. Way to go Graham!! You look amazing! You are doing a great job....keep getting better!!


  5. Go Graham go! Look at how much he has overcome this past week?! And Uncle Ward!? He has got to be so excited. I hope you all enjoy your visit with him. Just think another loved one to care for Graham. Use this to your advantage guys and get some rest:) I know easier said than done! Amber

  6. Hey guys....still thinking and praying for you! we think of you often and want you to do what it takes to get Graham better so that we can see him again at HOME!! Love you guys! Also, Bill - let me know when you are home and we can fix you dinner some night! 433-8843
    ~ Mitch and Jill

  7. Go Graham Go!!! Always praying for Graham, Bill, Katie, Quinton, Susan and all G-mans Doctors!!!

  8. Best news I've heard in a long time! We'll be praying for more great news to come!!!

    Yay for the G-man!

  9. Bill and Katy - He's such a priceless joy to look at and I haven't posted yet, as i was a little technology challenged. But...I've been praying and watching all along on this journey....I can't wait to see him in person....I hope G-man continues to improve and kisses become even more abundant!...Miss you Katy....Tinia

  10. So glad to hear this great news! Keep it coming! Andy and I had such a good time visiting with you guys on Saturday. Continue to give Graham our love! We hope to see you soon for another visit!

    Kir & Andy

  11. Wow, that is wonderful news! He has made so much progress in such a short amount of time...thanks for continuing to update us and we'll keep praying!

  12. We continue to pray for Graham and for you. Thankful for the encouraging news. Take Care!

